As we all continue to navigate through our "new normal", we've been thinking of ways in which to support our many valuable small businesses.

Every Friday, we are going LIVE on the Facebook page Our Riverdale and will be interviewing local businesses and asking about ways in which we as neighbours can help support.

The purpose of this initiative is to bring the community together and connect virtually to show our love and support for not only each other, but our local small business owners and the like! We truly believe that standing together, talking about our struggles, and communicating where we could use some help (while adding some fun in between) is one small step towards recovery.

In case you missed our first Facebook Live event, please check out the recorded session below. We chatted with The Auld Spot Pub to hear about how they are pivoting through this pandemic and what we can do to help. PLUS, Nathan is showing us how to make an Auld Spot-style caesar from their new cocktail kits available for pick-up + delivery, along with an assortment of other delicious eats. They’re open Wednesday-Saturday from 5-8 pm. Check out their website to see what’s on + kindly email orders to auldspotpub@gmail.com or call 416-406-4688.

If you're interested in following along, join the Our Riverdale Facebook page and stay tuned every Friday at 3PM.

We're all in this together! Stay safe + support local!